Time and time again, I meet someone who is in desperate need of better nutrition, yet they don’t know, don’t care, or don’t believe good nutrition is worth the effort…
Heart Help: Preventing and Reversing Cavities
When it comes to cavities and gum disease, absence makes the heart grow fonder.That is because several studies have found a link between cavities, gum disease, and heart disease.
In this article we will review new research and products for reversing cavities, primarily mild to moderate ones, so you will have good reason to smile for many more years.
Now for the bad news: your standard toothpastes and mouthwashes may not be what the dentist ordered to solve the problem. Standard toothpastes (think Crest or Colgate) can contain several troublesome ingredients.
Three Troublesome Ingredients in Common Toothpastes
- Sodium Lauryl Sulfate(SLS)- a foaming detergent found in many standard toothpastes linked to canker sores and gum irritation. It was pretty simple: when I stopped using toothpastes with SLS, I stopped getting canker sores.
- Fluoride– it does help prevent cavities, but at what cost? The EPA has put fluoride on its “substantial evidence of neurotoxicity” list. Recent research has forced the EPA to lower the level of fluoride allowed in drinking water. A Harvard study associated fluoride with low IQ and neurotoxicity. As you will read, there are better alternatives to fluoride toothpastes and mouthwashes.
- Artificial Colors and Sweeteners– artificial colors have been studied for causing hyperactivity. Three common artificial colors are known carcinogens. We are already consuming too many toxic compounds. Do we really want these chemicals in our toothpasteand mouthwashes also?
Fluoride – it does help prevent cavities, but at what cost? There is substantial evidence fluoride causes neurotoxicity.
Spare yourself considerablepain in the dentist chair with these 7 nutrients.
7 Nutrients to Help Stop and Reverse Cavities
Most of the following nutrients will be found in higher quantity in a diet free of processed foods, so choose whole, unprocessed foods.
- Xylitol– finding a toothpaste containing xylitol is a definite a plus for teeth. It inhibits bacteria and has a proven anti-cavity effect. There is also evidence it helps remineralize teeth.So yes you can strengthen the enamel of your teeth and reverse early-stagecavities. Xylitol gums and mouthwashes have been shown to have the same effects Spry makes a variety of xylitol products for dental health. This xylitol mouthwashby Now Foods is available on Amazon. It contains some essential oils like tea tree oil to neutralize bacteria.
- Vitamin D– one reason researchers have found that a diet high in processed foods is strongly correlated to cavities and gum disease is that a processed diet is low in Vitamin D. To add to its long list of benefits (osteoporosis prevention, immune health, heart health and hormone support, to name a few),vitamin D also prevents cavities. Its effect is even more significant when taken with calcium. Calcium and vitamin D will be combined withany good supplement program.
- Vitamin K2– this vitamin was emphasized by one of the great dentists of all time, Weston Price, who founded the National Dental Association. Price’s research found that nutritional deficiencies caused by flour, sugar, and modernly processed vegetable fats were the primary cause of dental health issues. Vitamin K2 has been proven to affect how calcium is used by the body. Essentially it keeps calcium where it should be, in the bones and teeth, and stops it from depositing in the blood vessels and heart valves, where it should not be. Recent research has shown that vitamin K2 is preventive of heart diseaseandosteoporosis. It is believed to enhance dental health through a similar mechanism. The form of K2 withthe most research is Vitamin K2 Menaquinone 7.
- Recaldent– this form of calcium is absorbed by the enamel of your teeth and helps teeth to remineralize, creating a tooth more resistant to cavities. Recaldent is in some gums and a dentalproduct called MI Paste. I dab it on my toothbrush along with a xylitol toothpaste to deal with problem teeth.
- Omega 3s– any sensible nutrition program will include adequate omega 3 supplementation. Omega 3’s role in heart health and inflammation prevention is well known. Less well known is the role omega 3s play in reducing gum disease and cavities. It does this by combating inflammation, which causes our gums to recede, weakening teeth. Weston Price urged people to supplement their diets with cod liver oil, a rich source of omega 3, vitamin A and vitamin D.
- Nanohydroxyapatite–hydroxyapatite is a naturally occurring mineral that is the main inorganic constituent of enamel. A brand of toothpaste in Japan called Apagard has created a highly bioavailable form of nanohydroxyapatite that is absorbed by your teeth while brushing. It is clinically effective for sensitivity and rebuilding enamel. Nanohydroxyapatite absorbs at a deeper level of the tooth than fluoride. It is also more effective at remineralizing teeth. Unfortunately, you will not see it in the stores unless you live in Japan. It is expensive for toothpaste, but having the dentist drill into your teeth is costly too. I can personally attest that nanohydroxyapatite toothpaste is effective. You can feel the difference in a few days. It is available here on Amazon.
- CoQ10–last but not least is the nutrient superstar Coq10 and its more active form ubiquinol. In reading the research, one sees the connection between heart health and dental health. Heart health nutrients like omega 3s, vitamin K2, and vitamin D are also very effective at improving dental health. The heart health nutrient CoQ10 is no exception to this pattern. A review of 7 studies found that 70% of people with periodontitis responded favorablyto CoQ10 supplementation. Another study found tha direct application of CoQ10 reduce gum diseases Ubiquinol is the best form of CoQ10 for supplementation. you will want to use the active form of CoQ10 found on Amazon for the best effect.
Honorable Mention:there is not enough research to justify a top 7 placement, but ozonated oils may emerge as a useful dental product for killing bacteria and dissolving plaque. Ozone is used by an increasing number of dentists in the office for many different dental problems. Dentists are also recommending for home use. It can kill bacteria at a deeper level than other products. I use this ozone oil product to help clean and reduce plaque. Just cotton swab it on problem teeth and gums.
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