Supplement Recommendation Engine™
Personalized Nutrition
- 1. Input your health goals and
concerns on our secure SSL website. - 2. Health goals and concerns are cross-referenced
against scientific research databases, like PubMed. - 3. Supplements with the best scientific research
and customer reviews are selected. - 4. Personalized nutrition research
and supplement recommendations are displayed.
Supplement Recommendation Engine™
Personalized Nutrition
- 1. Input your health goals and concerns on our secure SSL website.
- 2. Health goals and concerns are cross-referenced against scientific research databases, like PubMed.
- 3. Supplements with the best scientific research and customer reviews are selected.
- 4. Personalized nutrition research and supplement recommendations are displayed.
Choose the Quick or Pro form to Customize your Vitamins:
Quick Form
In a rush?
- 1 Minute Results
- Choose Your Health Goals and Concerns
- See the Research behind the Recommendations
- Check out the Amazon® Reviews for Recommended Products
- SSL Secure Privacy
Pro Form
Have a few minutes?
- All the Benefits of the Quick Form + 1 Additional Recommendation
- Includes a Complete Food and Lifestyle Assessment
- Personalized Tips and Suggestions
- Results in less than 5 Minutes
- SSL Secure Privacy