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Personalized Vitamins for your Unique Needs.
We use PubMed research and the best Amazon price to build your nutrition program.
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Step 2 - PubMed Research Scan
Your health goals are matched against the PubMed® medical research database for the most researched and effective nutrients.
Step 3 - Amazon Scan
Those nutrients are then scanned against Amazon® to find the best-reviewed products, the most reputable brands, and the best price.
Step 4 - Checkout on Amazon
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90% Americans Deficient In At Least One Nutrient
Source: 90% Americans are Deficient
Did You Know?
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Do you ask yourself, ‘What Vitamins Do I Need?’ There is a vast array of nutrients in supplements nowadays, but you can’t fit them all in one pill….probiotics, fish oil, minerals, amino acids, vitamins, herbal extracts, popular antioxidants like alpha-lipoic acid, COQ10, and lycopene…this list goes on and on. You need more than one pill a day to get the most benefits.
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Health Concerns? Health Goals? Follow the latest research and vitamin recommendations in nutrition and health.