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Supplement Recommendation EngineTM

  • 1. Input your health goals and
    concerns on our secure SSL website
  • 2. Health goals and concerns cross-referenced
    against international health research databases, like Pubmed
  • 3. Supplements with the best scientific research and customer reviews are selected
  • 4. Personalized research and
    supplement recommendations displayed
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Pay for Nutrients, not Packaging.
Personalized Vitamins for your Unique Needs.

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We use PubMed research and the best Amazon price to build your nutrition program.

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Step 1 - Start the Assessment

Take a few minutes to fill out the nutrition assessment questions and prioritize your health goals.

Step 2 - PubMed Research Scan

Your health goals are matched against the PubMed® medical research database for the most researched and effective nutrients.

Step 3 - Amazon Scan

Those nutrients are then scanned against Amazon® to find the best-reviewed products, the most reputable brands, and the best price.

Step 4 - Checkout on Amazon

Checkout on Amazon® and subscribe to select products. Take the recommended nutritional supplements daily. Your health improves.

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Did You Know?

[vcex_milestone number=”41.6%” decimals=”1″ caption=”Americans Vitamin D Deficient. Read more >” url_wrap=”true” url_target=”blank” number_color=”#ffffff” caption_color=”#ffffff” url=”″ after=”%”]
[vcex_milestone number=”68″ caption=”Americans Magnesium Deficient. Read more >” url_wrap=”true” url_target=”blank” after=”%” number_color=”#ffffff” caption_color=”#ffffff” url=”″]
[vcex_milestone number=”90″ caption=”Americans Omega 3 Deficient. Read more >” url_wrap=”true” url_target=”blank” number_color=”#ffffff” caption_color=”#ffffff” after=”%” url=””]
[vcex_milestone number=”100,000″ animated=”false” decimals=”” caption=”American Lives Can Be Saved with Magnesium. Read more >” url_wrap=”true” url_target=”blank” number_color=”#ffffff” caption_color=”#ffffff” url=”″]

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Improve Your Life

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90% Americans Deficient In At Least One Nutrient

Did You Know?

[vcex_milestone number=”30.1″ decimals=”1″ caption=”Pounds Lost by Overweight People Taking Green Tea Phytosome.
Read more >” url_wrap=”true” url_target=”blank” number_color=”#ffffff” caption_color=”#ffffff” url=””]
[vcex_milestone number=”18.7″ decimals=”1″ caption=”mm Hg Reduction in Blood Pressure Taking Supplemental Magnesium.
Read more >” url_wrap=”true” url_target=”blank” number_color=”#ffffff” caption_color=”#ffffff” url=”″]
[vcex_milestone number=”33″ caption=”Reduction in Depression in Patients Taking Vitamin D-3.Read more >” url_wrap=”true” url_target=”blank” number_color=”#ffffff” caption_color=”#ffffff” after=”%” url=””]
[vcex_milestone number=”50″ caption=”Of Men Reported Improvement in Sexual Function After Taking L-Citrulline.
Read more >” url_wrap=”true” url_target=”blank” number_color=”#ffffff” caption_color=”#ffffff” url=”″ after=”%”]
[vcex_heading text=”6 Reasons Why One Pill Is Not Enough” responsive_text=”true” text_align=”center” font_family=”Quicksand”][vcex_spacing size=”20px”]

Do you ask yourself, ‘What Vitamins Do I Need?’ There is a vast array of nutrients in supplements nowadays, but you can’t fit them all in one pill….probiotics, fish oil, minerals, amino acids, vitamins, herbal extracts, popular antioxidants like alpha-lipoic acid, COQ10, and lycopene…this list goes on and on. You need more than one pill a day to get the most benefits.

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[vcex_icon_box heading=”1. Probiotics” style=”two” icon=”fa fa-magic” image=”9046″ resize_image=”false” image_width=”250″ image_height=”250″ heading_weight=”bold”]The rising star in nutritional science is probiotics, with effects on immunity, digestion, energy, even heart health and dental health. A probiotic is ideally formulated in its own pill for maximum stability and dispersion.[/vcex_icon_box]
[vcex_icon_box heading=”2. Fish Oil” style=”two” icon=”cube” image=”9050″ resize_image=”false” image_width=”250″ image_height=”250″ heading_weight=”bold”]Fish Oil fights inflammation, depression, and cardiovascular disease. It is one of the top three nutritional supplements everyone should be taking. It supports brain health, immune health, and blood flow. Fish Oil is ideally formulated in its own softgel capsule for maximum potency and absorption.[/vcex_icon_box]
[vcex_icon_box heading=”3. Minerals” style=”two” icon=”code” image=”9048″ resize_image=”false” heading_size=”-” image_width=”250″ image_height=”250″ heading_weight=”700″]Your daily need for calcium alone would take up its own pill. Add to that magnesium, zinc, copper, chromium, manganese, and you quickly see why one pill is not enough.[/vcex_icon_box]
[vcex_icon_box heading=”4. Herbal Extracts” style=”two” icon=”” image=”9056″ resize_image=”false” heading_size=”-” heading_weight=”bold” image_width=”250″ image_height=”250″]Herbal extracts are at the cutting edge of nutritional medicine. For example, there are over 12,000 studies on turmeric for its ability to fight cancer, lower inflammation, help depression, and stop heart disease. To enhance absorption and bioavailabilty, scientists have been formulating herbal extracts with lipid molecules, creating advanced pills and improved clinical effectiveness.[/vcex_icon_box]
[vcex_icon_box heading=”5. Vitamins” style=”two” icon=”crop” image=”9053″ resize_image=”false” image_width=”250″ image_height=”250″ heading_weight=”bold”]Vitamin A, C, E, D, K, as well as all the B vitamins need their own pill, yet they are often bunched together with the minerals into one pill. This means less nutrients in order to save money and space. A good multivitamin has 2 or 3 softgels for maximum absorption. Softgels improve blood levels of crucial nutrients like Vitamin D.[/vcex_icon_box]
[vcex_icon_box heading=”6. Antioxidants” style=”two” icon=”fa fa-smile-o” image=”9058″ resize_image=”false” heading_size=”-” heading_weight=”bold” image_width=”290″ image_height=”250″]Antioxidants like Coenzyme Q10, green tea extract and turmeric not only prevent toxic free radical chemicals from damaging your cells, but antioxidants also have strong clinical support for heart disease, diabetes, and cancer prevention. A good supplement program has generous amounts of multiple antioxidants.[/vcex_icon_box]

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  • Mushroom Immune Defense product picture

    Mushroom Immune Defense

    4.4 (32)
    • 15 Mushroom Formula
    • Selected for Immune Enhancement
    • Includes Shitake, Maitake, and Agaricus Extracts
    $55.50 $32.44 Add to cart
  • t-lean extreme product image

    T-Lean Extreme

    4.0 (35)
    • Weight Management Support w/ Green Tea Phytosome
    • Supports Optimal Body Composition* with ForsLean®
    • Energy and Alertness*
    $29.99 $0.00 Add to cart
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Health Concerns? Health Goals? Follow the latest research and vitamin recommendations in nutrition and health. 

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