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Black Cohosh Extract As Effective As Estrogens for Menopause and Bone Health – without side effects

black cohosh and menopause
Study Title: "The Cimicifuga preparation BNO 1055 vs. conjugated estrogens in a double-blind placebo-controlled study: effects on menopause symptoms and bone markers."
Number of Participants: 62 Postmenopausal Women
Length of Study: 3 Months
Type of Study: Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study.
Publication: Maturitas
Study Result: Black Cohosh Extract had favorable effects on bone and reduced climacteric syndrome, without causing endometrial thickness.

In this double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 62 postmenopausal women were treated with either 40 mg. of an herbal extract of black cohosh known as CR BNO 1055, or 0.6 mg conjugated estrogen or a matching placebo for 3 months. Menopausal symptoms, bone markers of degradation/formation, and endometrial thickness were measured.

The black cohosh extract was equally effective as the conjugated estrogens for the benefits of reducing menopause symptoms and increasing bone metabolism. Both black cohosh and conjugated estrogens were superior to Placebo. black cohosh had no effect on endometrial thickness, which was significantly increased by conjugated estrogens. Since endometrial thickness can be a warning sign of cancer, black cohosh extract should be an important consideration for menopause conditions.

Bone HealthMenopauseOsteoporosis
Black Cohosh Extract

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