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Glucosamine for Arthritis Cures 51.7% of Knee Patients

glucosamine for arthritis, glucosamine for knee
Study Title: "Therapeutic results of glucosamine hydrochloride for knee degenerative osteoarthritis."
Number of Participants: 60
Length of Study: Two Treatments of 6 Weeks Each
Type of Study: Human Study
Publication: Chinese Jounrnal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery
Study Result: All 60 patients finished treatment, various clinical symptoms for DOA disappeared completely in 31 cases and subsided in 27 cases; the cure rate was 51.7% and the total response rate was 96.7%.

Glucosamine for arthritis is currently the most popular nutritional approach for that health concern. Many double-blind studies have proven glucosamine produces better results for osteoarthritis than NSAIDs (aspirin, Celebrex, Ibuprofen, etc.) or acetaminophen.

Glucosamine for Arthritis 51.7% Cure Rate

In the following study, 60 knee osteoarthritis patients underwent two 6 week treatments with 1500 mg. a day of glucosamine for knee pain and mobility issues. Their knee degenerative osteoarthritis (DOA) was scored before and after the treatments. All 60 patients finished the treatments. Clinical symptoms for knee degenerative osteoarthritis disappeared completely in 31 cases and subsided in 27 cases; the cure rate was 51.7% and the total response rate was 96.7%.

The researchers concluded:

“Glucosamine hydrochloride can cure knee DOA with symptom-relieving and joint function-improving action.”

Joint Health
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