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Life Minerals

 $0.00$19.89 (as of 07/04/2023, 12:51 pm)

  • Comprehensive, High-absorbtion Multi-mineral Formula
  • Krebs Cycle Multi-Mineral Complex
  • 78% of Amazon® Reviews 4 or 5 Stars

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Amazon® Reviews Score: 4 and 5 Star Reviews

Krebs Cycle Multi-Mineral Complex

Life Minerals™ is one of the most comprehensive multi-mineral formulas available. The minerals are bound to organic compounds of the Krebs cycle (cellular energy production system) and other bioactive nutrients, which are excellent transport forms for each mineral. This product is iron-free for those concerned with their iron consumption.

The Decreasing Levels of Minerals in Today’s Foods

Unlike the compost fertilizers of the past, today’s “high-tech” fertilizers do not replace many of the nutrients essential to both the natural growth of crop plants and to human beings, who depend on them for adequate nutrition. As a result, even a “good” diet may provide less nutrition than is generally required. In addition, many modern food additives bind minerals so tightly in food that they can no longer be absorbed or utilized by the body. A moderate intake of one such additive, EDTA (estimated American daily intake is 50-100 mg), was found in a scientific study to reduce iron absorption by 50%!

Dietary studies have shown that mineral deficiencies are so prevalent, it’s rare that anyone gets even the minimum RDA levels of them all.

The following are examples of the unfortunate findings:

  • A study by the USDA in the mid-1980s on Chromium status in adults found that NONE of the people tested consumed even the lower level of the Chromium “Safe & Adequate Intake” range of 50 to 200 mcg.
  • It is estimated that up to 90% of all Americans may be Magnesium-deficient, even by RDA standards (considered by
    many Magnesium experts to be already too low).• A study published in the prestigious American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in the late 1970s found 70% of Americans getting less than the 15 mg RDA for Zinc, with most getting only 8-11 mg per day.
  • Among Americans who do not eat a high-dairy diet or take Calcium supplements/antacids regularly, virtually no one will achieve the current 1000 mg per day RDA for Calcium.

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120 Tablets, 60 Tablets

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