30 male students were separated into three groups: 1) took magnesium supplement, but did not exercise, 2) took magnesium supplement and did exercise, and 3) exercised, but did not take magnesium supplement. Total and free testosterone levels were measured throughout the 4 week study. In group 1, who took the magnesium, but did not exercise, free testosterone levels increased 14%. In group 2, who both exercised and took the magnesium, free testosterone increased 24%. There was a similar increase in total testosterone.
Editor’s Note: Since magnesium may be deficient in the diet of more than 50% of Americans, supplemental magnesium may benefit many men who are currently low in testosterone.
“In group 1, who took the magnesium, but did not exercise, free testosterone levels increased 14%. In group 2, who both exercised and took the magnesium, free testosterone increased 24%.”
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