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Bifidus Probiotics Improve Digestive Health, including Transit Time, Frequency, and Consistency

Bifidus probiotics improve digestive health
Study Title: "The effect of probiotics on functional constipation in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials"
Number of Participants: 1182
Length of Study: N/A
Type of Study: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs)
Publication: The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Study Result: Overall, probiotics significantly reduced whole gut transit time by 12.4 h and increased stool frequency by 1.3 bowel movements/wk, and this was significant for Bifidobacterium lactis.

Functional constipation is a prevalent, burdensome gastrointestinal disorder whose treatment remains challenging. Probiotics have been increasingly investigated in its management.

In this study, probiotics significantly reduced whole gut transit time by 12.4 hours and increased stool frequency by 1.3 bowel movements/wk and this was significant for Bifidobacterium lactis, but not for Lactobacillus casei Shirota. Bifidus probiotics also improved stool consistency, and this was signifcant for B. lactis, but not for L. casei. No serious adverse events were reported.

The researchers concluded:

“Probiotics may improve whole gut transit time, stool frequency, and stool consistency, with subgroup analysis indicating beneficial effects of B. lactis in particular. “

ConstipationDiarrheaDigestive Health
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