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 $18.36$55.75 (as of 07/04/2023, 12:51 pm)

  • Reduces Fine Lines and Wrinkles*
  • Thickens and Strengthens Hair*
  • Protects Healthy Bones and Joints*
  • 82% Amazon Reviews 4 or 5 Stars




Amazon® Reviews Score: 4 and 5 Star Reviews


PubMed® Research Score for Biosil

Biosil: Increasing Your Body’s 3 “Beauty Proteins”

If you want to improve your appearance, you need to increase your body’s production of 3 proteins: collagen, elastin, and keratin. In fact, these three structural proteins are so vital to the way you look, scientists now call them the “3 Beauty Proteins”.

The key is activating the cells in your body that produce these structural proteins directly inside skin and hair tissue. BioSil’s® patented ch-OSA®, helps your body regenerate optimal amounts of these three “must have” proteins – safely and naturally. In clinical trials, women taking BioSil reduced wrinkles by 30.0%, increased skin elasticity by 89%, thickened hair by 12.8%, strengthened hair by 13.1% and dramatically increased nail hardness (see clinical trials).

The condition of your hair, skin, and nails depends on three proteins, known as your “3 Beauty Proteins:”


Collagen “plumps’ your skin from the inside out. It removes fine lines and wrinkles and prevents them from forming. In addition, collagen is essential for strong, healthy bones and joints. BioSil “turns on” the collagen-generating cells in your body known as fibroblasts.


Elastin gives your skin its ability to stretch and ‘bounce back’ (elasticity) preventing fine lines and wrinkles from forming. Elastin is also vital to the proper functioning of organs and eyes.


Keratin is the protein that’s packed into your hair shaft. It gives your hair thickness, body, strength, and elasticity. Plus, keratin gives your nails strength and clarity. Studies suggest the fact that BioSil stimulates the keratin-producing cells in your body known as keratinocytes.

BioSil is clinically proven to:

  • Reduce fine line and wrinkles by 30.0%*
  • Increase skin elasticity by 89.0%*
  • Strengthen hair by 13.1%**
  • Thicken hair by 12.8%**
  • Dramatically strengthen nails (see VAS Scores in “Clinical Trials”)*

* After 20 weeks versus the placebo group.
** After 36 weeks versus the placebo group.

Published Graphs of Biosil from Peer-Reviewed Medical Journals

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Biosil Research

Biosil Reverses Sun-Damaged Skin in Women

Chronic exposure of the skin to sunlight causes damage to the underlying connective tissue with a loss of elasticity and firmness. Silicon was suggested to have an important function in the formation and maintenance of…

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biosil and hair

Study Finds Biosil Resulted in Significantly Thicker Hair

Silicon has been suggested to have a role in the formation of connective tissue and is present in hair. Biosil is a bioavailable form of silicon which has been found to reduce wrinkle depth, skin…

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