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Ubiquinol: the Better CoQ10

 $22.97 (as of 07/04/2023, 12:51 pm) & FREE Shipping.

  • The Better CoQ10 for Statin Users
  • Active Form of CoQ10
  • 84% of Amazon® Reviews 4 or 5 Stars




Amazon® Reviews Score: 4 and 5 Star Reviews


PubMed® Research Score for CoQ10

The Active Form of CoQ10

Ubiquinol is known as the active form of CoQ10, an essential cofactor in the generation of energy in the mitochondria of cells, which generates 97% of all the human body’s energy. CoQ10 has antioxidant activity and can protect against the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. Along with its role in generating energy, especially in muscle cells like the heart cells, CoQ10 has been extensively studied for its role in supporting heart health.

Ubiquinol has been shown to be highly bioavailable and the addition of MCT Oil (medium chain triglycerides) to this product naturally improves its solubility and enhances intestinal absorption, thereby creating a product with superior biological value.*

Q+®, Kaneka Ubiquinol™ and the quality seal™ are registered or pending trademarks of Kaneka Corp.

There is also evidence that CoQ10 is protective against periodontal disease and gingivitis.

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CoQ10 Research

CoQ10 Lowers Blood Pressure in a Systematic Review of the Research

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a well-researched nutrient in cardiovascular health. Supplementation has been shown in numerous studies to improve heart function in conditions like heart failure, angina, coronary artery disease, and high blood pressure. In…

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