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Butterbur Extract Reduces Migraine Frequency by 48%

Butterbur prevents migraines
Study Title: "Petasites hybridus root (butterbur) is an effective preventive treatment for migraine."
Number of Participants: 245 Migraine Patients
Length of Study: 4 Months
Type of Study: Three-arm, Parallel-group, Randomized Trial
Publication: Neurology
Study Result: Over 4 months of treatment, in the per-protocol analysis, migraine attack frequency was reduced by 48% for Petasites extract 75 mg twice a day.

Patients who met the International Headache Society criteria for a migraine, were ages 18 to 65, and had at least two to six attacks per month over the preceding 3 months, were treated with Butterbur extract at various dosages to determine the effectiveness against migraines.

Over 4 months of treatment migraine attack frequency was reduced by 48% for Petasites extract 75 mg twice a day, and 36% for Petasites extract 50 mg twice a day. 68% of patients in the Butterbur extract 75-mg twice a day group had at least a 50% reduction in migraine attacks.

The researchers concluded:

“Petasites extract 75 mg twice a day is more effective than placebo and is well tolerated as a preventive therapy for migraines. “

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  • Unavailable

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